Article exploring how much time in front of the computer screen is the right amount of time.
Category: blog
The PS3 Rumor Mill: Upcoming Games and Rumors
The system looks amazing. Though the need to fix a few minor bugs resulted in the PlayStation 3’s release date being pushed back, this has not diminished the excitement over the console’s impending release.
The PS3 Games Mystery
The news is out: the PS3 games console is to be launched simultaneously around the globe in November 2006. But despite the grand global launch plan for the PS3 games console, there are doubts about its impact on the market. Even more, game analysts doubt if this global launch can help Sony regain lost market because of the earlier release of Microsoft’s Xbox 360. There are also many speculations why the new PS3’s launch keeps getting delayed.
The Pros and Cons of Online Video Game Rental Companies
The Positive and Negative points to Online Video Game Rental Companies Today.
The Potential Of PS3 Games Console
The word wars between Sony and Microsoft just won’t die down. With Microsoft’s Peter Moore’s ragging about the PS3 games console’s price, surely, people don’t expect the Sony CEO, Steve Howard, to turn the other cheek. It’s pathetic to see two guys in power suits and power ties bicker like two kids in a playground. Sounds to me like they’re fighting about who could spit the farthest. But since Moore has been hounding publicity, well, we might as well give shy Howard a chance …
The Origin of Playing Cards
Playing cards made their way to Europe from the East. They appeared first in France and then in Spain. The reason for the belief that they appeared first in Italy is that the design on the cards closely resembles the Mamaluke design.