Farming Arcanist Doan With Hunter

Farming Arcanist Doan With Hunter

Farming Arcanist Doan With Hunter

If you’re looking for an efficient way to farm Arcanist Doan, you’ve come to the right place! In this updated guide, we’ll discuss an effective strategy using a hunter and a mage. While this method requires two players, the rewards are well worth the teamwork. Both players should ideally be at least level 54, but if you’re well-geared and confident in your skills, level 50 should suffice.

Entering Scarlet Monastery

To begin, enter through the library side of Scarlet Monastery. The mage should go in first to navigate through the mobs. Mages have a distinct advantage here with their blink ability, allowing them to teleport around enemies effortlessly. This makes it easy to maneuver through the initial waves of mobs without taking significant damage.

Once you’ve reached Arcanist Doan, you’ll need to wait for the hunter to catch up. The hunter can start shortly after the mage has entered. As the hunter, activate your Aspect of the Monkey. This ability increases your agility and helps you dodge enemy strikes more effectively.

Strategies for the Hunter

When you attract a few mobs, use Feign Death to drop aggro and avoid confrontation. This tactic is particularly useful for slipping past groups of enemies and makes your journey to Arcanist Doan much smoother. After the cooldown on Feign Death, make your way through the guards until you reach your target.

Once you and your partner are ready, engaging Arcanist Doan should be straightforward. Make sure to watch out for his Detonation spell. As noted in previous guides, it’s crucial to back off just before he casts this ability and then charge back in once it’s over. This timing will minimize the damage you take while maximizing your ability to deal damage to him.

Maximizing Your Profits

When you successfully defeat Arcanist Doan, you’ll be rewarded with two blue items. These items can be disenchanted into shards that can be sold for about 6 gold pieces each. This means you can earn approximately 12 gold from a single run!

However, Blizzard has implemented an anti-instance farming system, allowing only five runs per hour. This limitation translates to a maximum of 60 gold per hour if you optimize your runs. If you’re farming with a friend, you’ll each walk away with a solid 30 gold pieces, which is a fantastic reward for your efforts.

For comparison, the previous strategy outlined in the rogue guide nets about 20 gold pieces per hour. Using a hunter and mage duo, however, boosts your earnings by 33%, making this method significantly more profitable.


Farming Arcanist Doan with a hunter and a mage is a rewarding strategy that offers impressive gold returns. By coordinating your efforts and utilizing each class’s strengths, you can efficiently farm this encounter while maximizing your profits. Whether you’re gearing up for future raids or simply looking to boost your gold reserves, this method is one of the best for farming Arcanist Doan.

So grab a friend, get your gear ready, and head into Scarlet Monastery for some fun and profitable farming!

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