The Xbox360 (pronounced as three-sixty”) is Microsoft’s replacement to its original video game console. The video game was formally launched on the MTV Channel last year, May 12, 2005, to be exact. A more detailed launch, including the presentation of the Xbox’s more important information, was made later in the same month at the famous Electronic Entertainment Expo.”
Tag: xbox
How The Games Of Today Give Us A Glimpse Of Future Gaming Technology
I think games in the future will be even more realistic then the games we already have with our Xbox 360s and Play Station 3s. Microsoft and Sony will more than likely come out with something even more insane like a virtual game or something and that would be the game of the century.
How Does The Xbox Differ From The Xbox 360
How does the Xbox differ from the Xbox 360? This is probably one of the biggest questions for people who either own the late model and are curious about the new one. Also, this question would be plaguing the minds of those who do not have either, but are thinking of purchasing one.
All You Need To Know About The Cheats Of Video Games Part 1.
Terms, definitions and other information about cheats and their use
Choosing a Video Game System: Which One Is Best for Kids?
Knowing which game system is right for your kids and family can be difficult. This handy guide will help you decide which video game console will work best for you.
XBOX 360
The XBOX 360 has so many new features as opposed to the older version. Some features that really stand out are the wireless remotes, the 20gb hard drive and the aesthetically pleasing exterior casing.