Voice Changer Vivifies Role Playing Games

Voice Changer Vivifies Role Playing Games

Since early1990s, Online game has become a spectacularly booming industry in the world. International Data Corporation’s 2004 statistic showed global Online game’s income was $ 8.2 billion and an estimated of $ 22.7 billion in 2009. In China, the biggest online game market, those numbers were $ 300 million and $ 1.3 billion respectively.

Violent Games The Top 5

Violent Games The Top 5

One feature in Postal 2 is the ability to pick up cats as an inventory item. When used, the player shoves the barrel of the currently equipped firearm into the cat’s anus, as a ‘silencer’. Every time a shot is fired, the cat meows in apparent agony, and the gunshot is muffled. After several shots the cat will be killed and will fly from the end of the weapon.

Video Game Violence

Video Game Violence

According to Patrick Masell, recently the media has bombarded Americans with images and stories concerning a popular and morally corrupt video game called Grand Theft Auto.” GTA 3 and its sequel GTA: Vice City has sparked record sales as well as protests and news reports across the globe. Most of these reports and protests question the game’s graphic content and the effects it may have on its audience, especially teenagers.”