Why Online Gaming Is Getting So Popular These Days?

Why Online Gaming Is Getting So Popular These Days?

Online games have become very popular because people all over the world are using their computer for leisure activities. There are many old fashioned games that can be played online in addition to the new video games. Many people like them because the have wonderful graphics and sounds. They can also be played anywhere with an internet connection including the car, the airport, and at a hotel.

Violent Games The Top 5

Violent Games The Top 5

One feature in Postal 2 is the ability to pick up cats as an inventory item. When used, the player shoves the barrel of the currently equipped firearm into the cat’s anus, as a ‘silencer’. Every time a shot is fired, the cat meows in apparent agony, and the gunshot is muffled. After several shots the cat will be killed and will fly from the end of the weapon.