The Xbox 360 –a gamer’s dream machine.

The Xbox 360 –a gamer’s dream machine.

The Xbox360 is a video game console that is visionary. It competes with the Sony Play Station 3 and Nintendo Revolution. A gamers’ dream machine, the Xbox 360 is sold in two versions a premium edition that has a hard drive, a wireless controller, headset, Ethernet cable, a HD AV cable, and an Xbox live silver subscription and a core system. ed.

Online Flash Games

Online Flash Games

The surplus of online flash game websites has grown immensely over the past couple years. This sudden growth of online flash games is partly due to more and more pre-teens and teenagers receiving access to the internet.

Flash opens new windows and opportunities for game designers

Flash opens new windows and opportunities for game designers

Flash is an interactive platform that has a powerful design and animation tool along with a dynamic scripting engine, bitmap rendering, as well as advanced video and audio playback. There are three main aspects: the player, the file format, and the authoring tool/IDE. Flash games can be developed for websites, interactive TV, as well as handheld devices. There is no need to adopt multiple programming languages to build games.

Flash Games

Flash Games

Macromedia Flash arrived in 1996, and was initially designed to add animation and interactivity to otherwise largely media free websites. However, it wasn’t long before developers began to realise the potential of the software, and added functionality became available with each iteration.