Basically, there are two sides on a backgammon board, each with twelve spaces, for a total of twenty-four spaces.

Apps and games for smartphone, cell phones, browsers, board games and related games.
Basically, there are two sides on a backgammon board, each with twelve spaces, for a total of twenty-four spaces.
In backgammon you need to be able to alter your play in a blink. Occasionally you will have to restrain yourself from attacking and build your game, other times you’ll need to attack full steam. In the very beginning of the game you need to be aggressive, fast and straightforward. If you can reach your early game targets it’ll help you a lot later on.
Learn the rules and history of baccarat – one of the most popular gambling games in the world.
Meet the next big thing to rock the internet: Avatarbook. Accessible through either Facebook or the Sims Online, you can now share your gaming life with your real life.
Board games have evolved massively over the years.
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