An Introduction To The EVE Online Game – What Are The Essentials

An Introduction To The EVE Online Game – What Are The Essentials

An Introduction To The EVE Online Game – What Are The Essentials

Even if you have just started playing EVE Online, you are likely already aware of the importance of mining for ore. Mining is one of the best ways to get ahead in this complex and versatile game. With a bit of effort and some essential knowledge, you can better understand ore, its place in EVE Online, and how to make the most of the ore you mine.

What is EVE Online?

EVE Online is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) created by the Icelandic company CCP. With numerous awards and over 220,000 active accounts, it’s easy to see why EVE Online has garnered such popularity since its inception over five years ago. The game continues to grow impressively, providing players with an expansive universe to explore.

The Premise of EVE Online

The premise of EVE Online is set in a future where Earth has been depleted of usable resources, leading humanity to colonize space. Players spread throughout the Milky Way and beyond, competing for resources, which eventually leads to wars breaking out. A natural wormhole was discovered, but due to its instability, an artificial wormhole known as the EVE Gate was constructed to link galaxies.

Understanding Ore and Its Importance

Ore is a fundamental material found in the asteroid fields scattered across the universe of EVE Online. There are various types of ore, but they must be refined into minerals before they can be used. This process is similar to mining in real life, where raw materials must be processed to unlock their value. The refined minerals are highly valuable for manufacturing ships, weapons, and other essential items, allowing players to accumulate wealth.

Finding Ore Effectively

When searching for ore, start in areas with fewer than 60 pilots to minimize competition. As a newcomer, it’s beneficial to operate in quieter regions where you can make the most of your mining opportunities. Always aim to mine in proximity to a refinery so you can convert your ore into ISK (the game’s currency) as soon as your cargo hold is full. Prompt refinement and selling will maximize your profits.

Identifying Valuable Ore

A helpful rule of thumb for determining the value of ore is that the closer it is to the beginning of the alphabet, the more valuable it tends to be. While there are exceptions to this rule, it generally holds true. Additionally, the more valuable the ore, the less quantity you need to refine into minerals that will yield a good profit. Keep in mind that exotic and valuable ores may require traveling to specific locations to acquire them.

The Factions of EVE Online

The first and most advanced playable race in EVE Online is the Amarr, who were the first colonies to rediscover space travel. They embarked on a crusade to spread their ideologies throughout the galaxy. The Minmatar, a more primitive race, aided the Amarr in their endeavors. However, after conflicts with the Gallente and the non-playable Jove, the Imperial Navy of Amarr was ultimately destroyed. The Gallente and Caldari empires have been at war for nearly a century, with tensions still present today.

Creating Your Character

In EVE Online, you have the opportunity to create a character that can become a miner, trader, messenger, or even a pirate. These roles are just a few of the options available to you, and there are countless activities you can engage in to enhance your gameplay experience. With a vast universe to explore, the potential adventures in EVE Online are nearly limitless.


This overview provides a glimpse into the world of EVE Online and its essential elements. With a focus on mining, understanding ore, and navigating the complexities of interstellar conflict, you’ll be better prepared to dive into this captivating game. Enjoy your journey through the stars and make the most of your EVE Online experience!