So you want that shiny new Epic helm in the Auction House. Maybe you want to get your crafting skill up. Maybe you want to get your esteemed epic mount. Whatever the case, Gold is always a requirement, and you need to do a lot of work to get it, don’t you. Lots of hours filled with killing, looting, and boredom, right? WRONG!
Category: blog
Does The Sims Online Host The Mafia?
If I asked you this, would you believe me? Try doing so, because it’s the truth. And also, in this strange and perverse world, young people are busy killing each other at an alarming rate. Do we really need something like a pseudo Mafia causing the same sorts of problems? Gangsterism, in other words, on our children’s beloved video games?
Discover How To Feel Great And Powerful In WoW By Getting Rich
In order to expand your World of warcraft character to its greatest potential, you are going to need plenty of gold. There is no getting away from the fact that leveling up your character, their professions and their equipment costs an awful lot of gold and for the vast majority of wow players this involves investing a great deal of time. Not only does this reap small rewards but it also costs a great deal of money because time spent in game means money spent on subscriptions.
Choosing a Video Game System: Which One Is Best for Kids?
Knowing which game system is right for your kids and family can be difficult. This handy guide will help you decide which video game console will work best for you.
China Hunting Down Undesirable Online Games
After Brazil bans Counter-Strike and EverQuest to avoid violence crime, Chinese authorities recently announced that they are stepping up the crackdown against what they deem as undesirable online games.
Bingo Equipment
Bingo finds its roots in the Italian lottery, and can be traced back to the early 1500s. Earlier it was called “Beano,” and was later changed to Bingo when a game enthusiast was so thrilled by winning she exclaimed “Bingo”; that’s how it still is known today. This game is played all over the world in different ways, and various types of equipment are used in playing this game.